Two Trumpets Communications—
Straight information. Loud & Clear.

Meet the Two Trumpets and Associates

Two Trumpets Communications stands for creating a better world with clear communications & working to build trust between our clients & their audiences.

We believe in fostering curiosity and growth that advances thoughtfulness and healthy dialogue in communities. We never take relationships for granted and thrive in spaces built on respect and good will.

Two Trumpets Communications
Co-founder Lea Boyd

thrives on connecting dots

Lea identifies the best way to introduce concepts, ideas, people and news. Relying on decades of experience editing multiple news and glossy print publications, she knows firsthand how to capture an audience, channel talent, cultivate a following and turn heads. She identifies headlines from complex topics with her nose for news and shares information by making it attractive and accessible.

Two Trumpets Communications
Co-founder Peter Dugré

a natural born problem solver

Peter distills messages to their most precise and potent core. His background is in journalism as a writer/editor/photographer, so he approaches subjects like a reporter by unpacking the essentials of brands and businesses, always unearthing morsels that resonate and build into a logical narrative structure. Boiling down industry jargon to layman’s speak and delivering the data like delicious donuts is Peter’s happy place.

Two Trumpets Communications

Assembles talent and delivers results through its network of creative associates. We have established working relationships with skilled web designers, graphic designers, photographers, videographers, writers, and top performers across media in service of a diversity of client needs.